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General Knowledge MCQs for Entry Test Preparation

There are some MCQs type questions to check you General Knowledge.  Its very short online entry test , that will also help you to solve any NTS, FPSC, PPSC and other exams. We conduct the online preparation entry test by collecting the most important information. That quiz mostly repeat in every type of job entry test. So, these questions are very necessary to enhance you General Knowledge.

Start Online MCQs Entry Test for Current General Knowledge (GK)

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General Knowledge Important MCQs

Before apply in any jobs, you should pass that Current General Knowledge (GK) MCQs Online Test.

1 / 25

The largest animal in this world is ___?

2 / 25

Which is the smallest Planet in the Solar System __?

3 / 25

The Largest Continent by area is ___?

4 / 25

The First person , who Walked on the Moon __?

5 / 25

The SI (System International) unit of “Temperature” is__?

6 / 25

The currency of United Arab Emirates UAE __?

7 / 25

The largest River by Length in this world is __?

8 / 25

Which of the following is NOT a common symptom of Corona-virus infection __?

9 / 25

The Largest producer of Uranium is __?

10 / 25

The world’s largest museum “Louvre Museum” is situated in__?

11 / 25

The iconic “Eiffel Tower” in France was constructed in__?

12 / 25

Which material is essential for plastic (or plastic industry) __?

13 / 25

Which company recently showed its intention to buy TikTok app __?

14 / 25

Which is the largest Country by Area __?

15 / 25

The largest Mountain "Everest" located in Range of ___?

16 / 25

The Largest planet in the solar system is __?

17 / 25

Dinosaurs and many other species were extinct about _____ years ago ?

18 / 25

Which is The Smallest Continent in this world __?

19 / 25

The capital of Spain is ___?

20 / 25

The smallest Ocean in the world __?

21 / 25

The capital if Iran is __?

22 / 25

The capital of Austria __?

23 / 25

The Currency of Bangladesh __?

24 / 25

Which is The most populous city of the world __?

25 / 25

Which is the largest Country by population __?

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The average score is 69%


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