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National Bank of Pakistan NBP Jobs August 2019

National Bank of Pakistan is one of the largest commercial bank in Pakistan with global market presence and branches in all parts of the country. NBP invites applications against the following positions from professionals proven track record and with capacity to act as a catalyst for transformation in a challenging environment in the area of Corporate Banking. The individuals who fulfill the below-mentioned basic eligibility criteria may apply for the following positions: 

Positions & Qualification:

Position: Unit Head
Academic / Professional Qualification : Master’s Degree (Preferably MBAIMPA/M.Com./M.Sc. Economics or equivalent from a reputed local / foreign University/ Institute (recognized by HEC) OR Minimum graduation from foreign University/ Institute  (recognized by HEC) will also be considered. Any diploma or certification in Banking will be an advantage

 Experience :10 years in the banking industry and minimum 05 years preferably in Corporate and/or Investment Banking

Other Skills I Expertise / Knowledge Required :

  • Sound understanding of corporate banking products and services 
  • Excellent Relationship Management skills and Credit related expertise
  • Thorough understanding of the local corporate client base as well as regulatory regime will be an advantage
     Place of Posting:  Karachi. Lahore. Multan 
    Outline of Main Duties! Responsibilities :

    • To meet assigned targets in terms of customer portfolio yield including ancillary business generation, advances and deposit mobilization etc. 
    • To ensure that the highest professional standards of services are provided to Bank’s corporate customers with an end to secure both new business and to deepen the existing business relationships. 
    • To manage key relationships with the existing and potential clients in corporate sector with a view to leverage further business and widening the portfolio with the objective of maximizing overall customer risk adjusted profitability and share of business from each client/Group. 
    • To effectively monitor risk and keep abreast of market developments to ensure proactive or remedial actions to maintain quality of risk in line with the Bank’s credit policies and procedures. 
    • To prepare Quality credit proposals. This includes facility structure, industry analysis, company analysis, facility review, customer profitability analysis, financial analysis, spreads and projections etc. 
    • To guide, train, develop and motivate a team of Relationship Managers to attain business objectives, improve the quality of credit assessment, creating a learning environment and assess their training needs. 
    • Business development through marketing of structured products tailored in line with the specific requirements of the customers and cross selling of Bank’s other products. 
    • Preparation of routine business call reports, offer letters, sanction advices and other internal and external correspondences as and when required and to introduce new corporate customers as per assigned target and make periodic visits to the customers factory/site and submit call reports to the Management.
    • To ensure compliance with all regulatory (including State Bank of Pakistan’s Prudential Regulations) and internal (including credit policies) requirements.
    Position: Relationship Manager 

    Academic / Professional Qualification: Masters degree (Preferably MBA/MPAJM.Com/M.Sc. Economics or equivalent from a reputed local/foreign University/Institute (recognized by HEC) OR Minimum graduation from foreign University/Institute  (recognized by HEC) will also be considered. Any diploma or certification in banking will be an advantage.
    Experience For Officers: 03 years in the banking industry and 02 years preferably in Corporate and/or Investment Banking For Executives: 07 years in the banking industry and 04 years preferably in Corporate and/or Investment Banking.
    Other Skills / Expertise /Knowledge Required:
    •  Sound understanding of Corporate Banking products and services • Excellent Relationship Management skills and Credit related expertise 
    • Thorough understanding of the local corporate client base as well as regulatory regime will be an advantage 
    Place of Posting: Karachi. Islamabad, Lahore. Faisalabad. Mullen. Peshawar, AJK 

    Outline of Main Duties / Responsibilities:
    • To meet assigned targets in terms of customer portfolio yield including ancillary business generation, advances and deposit mobilization etc. 
    • To ensure that the highest professional standards of services are provided to Bank’s corporate customers with an end to secure both new business and to deepen the existing business relationships.
    • To manage key relationships with the existing and potential clients in corporate sector with a view to leverage further business and widening the portfolio with the objective of maximizing overall customer risk adjusted profitability and share of business from each clienVGroup. 
    • To effectively monitor risk and keep abreast of market developments to ensure proactive or remedial actions to maintain quality of risk in line with the Bank’s credit policies and procedures. 
    • To prepare quality credit proposals. This includes facility structure, industry analysis, company analysis, facility review, customer profitability analysis, financial analysis, spreads and projections etc.
    • Business development through marketing of structured products tailored in line with the specific requirements of the customers and cross selling of Bank’s other products.
    • Preparation of routine business call reports, offer letters, sanction advices and other internal and external correspondences as and when required and to introduce new corporate customers as per assigned target and make periodic visits to the customer’s factory/site and submit call reports to the management. 
    • To ensure compliance with all regulatory (including State Bank of Pakistan’s Prudential Regulations) and internal (including credit policies) requirements. 
    Position: MIS Analyst 
    Academic / Professional Qualification: Master’s Degree (Preferably MBA/MPA/M.Com/M.Sc. Economics or equivalent from a reputed local/foreign University/lnstitute (recognized by HEC) OR Minimum graduation from foreign University/ Institute (recognized by HEC) will also be considered. Any diploma or certification in banking will be an advantage.
    Experience For Officers:  Minimum 03 years in the field of data analysis/ MIS/ business intelligence For Executives: Minimum 07 years in the field of data analysis/ MIS/ business intelligence.
    Other Skills / Expertise /Knowledge Required:
    • Excellent MS and Credit related expertise • Sound understanding of Corporate Banking products & services have competency in English and MS-Office Applications.
    Place of Posting: Islamabad,  Faisalabad. Mullen
    Outline of Main Duties / Responsibilities: 
    • To prepare, analyze and report the Branch’s weekly, monthly, quarterly. half-yearly and annual returns including but not limited to MBCR. RCOA. eel B and Profit & Loss statement etc. and to monitor, analyze and report revenue & expenditure activities of the branch and report variances therein. 
    • To maintain the record of credit limits (both funded & non-funded) of each borrower and report the utilization and limit expires etc. to Regional Manager- Reporting & Analysis and follow up with the respective RWUH and to monitor the repayment behavior and schedule of each borrower and report Statement of Classified Accounts (SCA) as well as Position of Classified Account (POCA) on monthly, quarterly and annual basis. 
    • To maintain the record of outsourcing/rental agreements of the Branch and monitor expenditures on premises rentals, security guard services and janitorial services etc. and to ensure that no IBR/BANK General Account and/or suspense account remains outstanding for more than 30 days. 
    • To maintain the record of expenditures on office maintenance including utility bills etc. and obtaining approval in case of excess over budget and to maintain the record of assets allocated to the Branch premises under Fixed Assets Management System (FAMS). 
    • To maintain records for performance reporting of data on Clearing & Forwarding (C&F) agents. Muqaddams and Insurance companies. 
    • To attend to any regular/adhoc data requirement pertaining to the Corporate Branch and any other responsibility assigned by the competent authority from time to time.
    Position: Officer Analytics:
     Academic / Professional Qualification:  Master’s Degree (Preferably MBA/MPA/M.Com/M.Sc. Economics or equivalent from a reputed local/foreign University/Institute (recognized by HEC) OR Minimum graduation from foreign University/Institute  (recognized by HEC) will also be considered. Any diploma or certification in banking will be an advantage.
    Experience: Minimum 03 years in the field of data analysis/ MIS/ business intelligence 
    Other Skills / Expertise / Knowledge Required 
    • Excellent MS end Credit related expertise
    • Remind understanding of Corporate Banking products & services 
    Place of Posting:  Karachi. Lahore. Faisalabad. Multan 
    Outline of Main Duties! Responsibilities:
    • To assist Regional Manager- Reporting & Analysis in preparation of concerned branch monthly, quarterly, N-annually and annual returns i.e. MBCR, ALCO, P&L and response to queries as received and to prepare periodic reporting of Credit Portfolio and NPLs to Divisional Head- Corporate Coordination Division and GOP guaranteed exposure, fund flow statement, expiring limits, recovery of Markup and overdue status to Regional Corporate Head and Head Office. 
    • To analyze & consolidate MIS required by Corporate Coordination Division on monthly and as on requirements along with Credit Monitoring Group Returns pertaining to respective Regional Corporate Center and to analyze and provide the insurance claims and clearing & forwarding agents details to Portfolio team- Corporate Coordination Division as and when required. 
    • To monitor business targets up till RM level, account wise. region wise on monthly basis for onward submission to Corporate Banking Strategic & Planning Division and to coordinate with different groups on region level to harmonize and rectify reporting of Corporate Banking Group NPLs. 
    • To facilitate Head Office with important & confidential reports for the preparation of Presentations to BoD and top management as and when required and the Preparation of reimbursement of expenses on Monthly basis in consultation with Regional Corporate Head and Regional Manager- Reporting & Analysis and also to assist Regional Manager- Reporting & Analysis for adman related issues pertaining to concerned Regional Corporate Center & Branch in correspondences with Corporate Coordination Division. 
    •  Any other responsibility assigned by the competent authority from time to time. 
    Position Officer Risk, Audit & Compliance 
    Academic / Professions’ Qualification: Masters Degree (Preferably MBAiMPA/IV1 ConvM.Sc.. Economics or equivalent from a reputed local/foreign University/institute (recognized by NEC) OR Minimum graduation from foreign University/Institute (recognized by NEC) will also be considered • Any diploma or certification in banking will be an advantage.
    Experience: Minimum 03 years in the relevant
    Other skills / Expertise of Knowledge Required:
    • Sound understanding Of Corporate Banking products & services. 
    • Excellent SBP Prudential Regulations expertise 
    Place of Posting: Karachi. Lahore. Islamabad 

    Outline of Main Duties / Responsibilities:
    • To maintain the record and follow-up for compliance of all SEW observations as well as internal/external audit observations pertaining o the respective Regional Corporate Center and Corporate Branch and to monitor and follow-up of Compliance Exception Report. if any pertaining to the respective Regional Corporate Center end/or Corporate Branch, 
    • To follow-up with the respective RM/Uti for regularization of observations made in Business Risk Review (BRR) preposition ensure that Management Comments are submitted within seven days of leach draft/report and to follow-up with Branch Manager/Operations Manager/Relationship Manager/Unit Head for any Olarized Audit Finding (DATE) received from Audit & Inspection Group. 4 To coordinate with S$P inspection team and internal / extenal auditors visiting respective Regional Corporate Center dandier Corporate Braricti and to ensure that no IBR/BANK General Account landlord suspense account remains outstanding for more than 30 days. 
    •  To assist Unit Head-RAC in review/ updation of process flows under BPR & COSO implementation and ensure that (Marna! controls are embedded in all processes and to liaise with respective RM/UH for conducting Full Scope/Desktop valuation of collateral in order to obtain FSV benefit 
    • To attend Triannual meeting of the Audit 8 ‘Inspection Group (A&IG) and prepare minutes of the. meeting Welhfri 2 working *days .of respective meeting. 
    • Any other responsibility assigned by the•Potentiate authority Iran time to time;
    Credit MIS Analyst
    Credit Analyst

    Qualifications & Age Limit: Please see job Advertisement below for relevant experience, qualification & age limit information.

                    Last Date: 19-August-2019

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                    National Bank of Pakistan NBP Jobs August 2019

                    National Bank of Pakistan NBP Jobs August 2019

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