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Senior Auditor FPSC Entry Test Preparation (Sample Paper)

All those candidates, which have applied for the senior auditors post in FPSC, this post is valuable for them. We present here online entry test MCQs, that will help you to check you knowledge about senior Auditor test. There all important material for preparation entry test. That will really helpful. You can easily pass the Senior Auditor FPSC entry test 2020.

Senior Auditor FPSC MCQs Sample Paper

There are Sample paper for FPSC Senior Auditor BS-16 Entry Test 2020. These vacancies are open in Auditor General Pakistan. The job seekers having the Bachelors degrees from all Pakistan can online apply. After online apply you need to prepare yourself for FPSC Written MCQs Entry test. In that way, we have make the Sample paper for your convenience. So, you can easily understand, which types of questions and syllabus is essential for go through.

If you are ready to solve that sample paper then click on “Start” button.


Senior Auditor FPSC Entry Test Preparation (Sample Paper) 2020

Senior Auditor FPSC Entry Test Preparation (Sample Paper) 2020

1 / 30

The document which contain all necessary rules & regulations which are required to run a business is called __?

2 / 30

The statement of assets and liabilities is called __?

3 / 30

Any valuable thing possess by the business or owner is called __?

4 / 30

The art of recording, classifying ans summarizing in significant manner is called __?

5 / 30

Gradual decrease in the machinery value by use in business is called ___?

6 / 30

The debts which are irrecoverable by debtors is called __?

7 / 30

The amount of cash or goods taken by the owner from business is called ___?

8 / 30

The amount , which is invested by the owner in business is called __?

9 / 30

The sum of the direct material & direct cost is called __?

10 / 30

The difference of alternatives costs is called__?

11 / 30

The aggregate of the material which is directly used in manufacturing course is called __?

12 / 30

The total sale of a trader within a given period id called ___?

13 / 30

An investment is believed to be risky if __?

14 / 30

The IMF was established in _____ at the Bretton Woods Conference in the United States ?

15 / 30

Advance payments are recognized as__?

16 / 30

The correct form of Accounting equation is__?

17 / 30

Every transaction has a _____ effect ?

18 / 30

What from the following is an integral part of business?

19 / 30

Shares of listed companies are traded in the__?

20 / 30

A company is owned by its__?

21 / 30

Which is the largest Country by Area __?

22 / 30

Which is The most populous city of the world __?

23 / 30

The capital if Iran is __?

24 / 30

The smallest Ocean in the world __?

25 / 30

The Largest planet in the solar system is __?

26 / 30

What was the name of Prophet Ismael’s (A.S) mother__?

27 / 30

Which country is called the “Land of Prophets”__?

28 / 30

Eid Prayer is __?

29 / 30

In Hajj, touching the Black Stone is known as__?

30 / 30

The first migration of the Companions and relatives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was to__?

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